Monday, April 27, 2009

Samuel De Champlain - Port Royal

1. Why would Samuel De Champlain want to have a monopoly on the fur trade? Explain in 3-5 sentences. What does monopoly mean?
Monopoly is a word that means exclusive control or possession of something. It was a way to make money for people's country. It can also make people's country develop more faster. We have learned about "the Fur Trade". It was a trade that kill animals to use their fur to produce matters, such as clothes and leather. Samuel De Champlain wanted to have a monopoly on the fur trade because it would help his country develop. The fur trade was a good way to make a lot of money and it was fashionable at that time. If Samuel De Champlain had the monopoly of the fur trade, other consumers and buyers need ed buy resources and matters from him so that he would bring a lot of money into his country easily. Another reason was he wanted to control the monopoly so that the matters and the prices were all in his control. So, he would have powerful authority in economy.
2. Why would the King want to set up French colonies in Canada? Explain in 3-5 sentences.

Colony means an area that was controlled by another country. The French King wanted to set up colonies in Canada because it was a good way to expand their country's area. Every king wanted to get more and more force to be strong. The authority is very important to a king. He liked and wanted to control all the things in the world so that he wanted to set up colonies. At that time, Canada was not developed. It was just developing so that it could be controlled easily. It was very subservient for the king to build colonies in Canada. Every person would succumb to him. He could get more resources and riches from his colonies in Canada.
3. Can you find two pictures of Port Royal, Nova Scotia today on the Internet? What does it look like? Explain each picture in 5-8 sentences what you see.
When the set element was abandoned in 1607, some settlers were permitted to stay if they agreed not to work on the fur trade. They became highly skilled farmers and would form the colony of Acadia (as we have learned before).
This is a picture of Port Royal, Nova Scotia today. It looks so beautiful today. In this picture, it has a lot of houses and a body of green grass. Look at it, there is a wooden chair on the green grass. It also has a big porraceous tree beside the chair. When I look at this picture, it gives me a feeling of fresh and warmth.
This is another picture of Port Royal in Nova Scotia. In the picture, I can still see a lot of houses with chimneys. Some of them have high fence in front of their houses. There are some people in this picture and a wooden cask on the green grass. I see maybe a little bed made of wood and straw near the cask. There has slight sunshine irradiate to the grass and makes this picture has a hazy field of view so that makes it become very beautiful.
Bonus1. Find 2 pictures of Nova Scotia you like. Explain why you like each of these pictures in 3-5 sentences.
This is a picture of Nova Scotia. Is it beautiful? Of course! I love this picture so much because it represents me a wonderful sight. In this picture, there is a small white house with a red open balcony. It has a body of green grass and a red bench is there. How beautiful the blue sea is! There are also smooth some mountains in the distant. I think I will be so happy that I can fly if I live in such a beautiful place.
This is another picture of Nova Scotia. I love it, too! Why is it so beautiful to me? Look at it carefully, there is a bright blue house with some windows in its wall. The grass beside it is lush. In front of the house, it also has the azure sea. The beautiful sea is boundless in my eyes. I like the feeling the picture give me-warm. I really like matters that make me feel warm! I love the feel!

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